Friday, May 03, 2024, 4:43:49 AM

ID: CA-0000-00000000

Confirmed compensation for


Flight distance 3,268 km

Return flight à 817 km
for 2 persons
2,528 kg CO2e

Hotel stay

4 overnight stays
for 2 persons
136 kg CO2e

Driving distance 329 km

One way à 329 km
451 kg CO2e

3,115 kg CO2e

CO2 emissions


Cururos wind farm

The Cururos wind farm project represents a significant step towards sustainable energy generation in the region. With its two central turbines, 'El Pacifico' and 'La Cebada', it combines impressive technical performance with a commitment to environmental protection. The combined installed capacity of these wind farms is 109.6 MW, making them a powerful player in the renewable energy sector. Each year, they generate an average of 290 GWh of clean electricity, making a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. This project impressively demonstrates how innovative technologies and the will to leave a positive ecological footprint can go hand in hand.

Wind power




Gold Standard
